Showing posts with label Fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion. Show all posts

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Tips 7 Pelajaran Fashion dari Gadis-gadis Eropa|Fashion Style

Dari sejak saya masuk SMP, ibu saya sudah mulai mengenalkan ke banyak majalah remaja seperti Gadis atau Kawanku yang isinya sebagian membahas tren fashion. Sungguh menyenangkan melihat gaya-gaya para model majalah yang menggunakan pakaian remaja khas tren anak muda zaman dulu, karena super inspiratif dan membuat saya belajar menemukan gaya saya sendiri. Dulu saya suka sekali memakai pakaianvintage atau model asimetris yang terkesan unik dan beda.

Setelah 10 tahun membaca majalah remaja Indonesia, saya sadar ternyata gaya-gaya yang ada di majalah kita lebih banyak dipengaruhi fashion Amerika. Dari yang tabrak motif sana sini, berani pakai warna terang, hingga make up bold. Belum lagi saat K-Pop mulai booming di Indonesia, banyak remaja ikut-ikutan fashion Korea yang lebih cute dan manis.

Hijrah ke Eropa dua tahun lalu, saya mulai meninggalkan kebiasaan membaca majalah fashion Amerika dan berhenti memperhatikan K-Pop. Saya begitu kagum ketika tahu orang-orang Eropa memiliki selera fashion yang berbeda dengan orang Amerika dan Asia. Bepergian ke banyak negara di Eropa juga membuka mata saya untuk melihat dan membandingkan gaya berpakaian gadis-gadis di Eropa Barat, Utara, Selatan, dan Timur. Bagi saya, gaya orang Eropa itu, simple yet elegant. Kalau pun ada yang nyeleneh, tetap terkesan edgy tanpa terlihat berlebihan.

Secara umum, orang-orang Eropa memiliki gaya fashion yang lebih elegan dan berkelas ketimbang Amerika. Saya sendiri lebih suka gaya orang Prancis dan Swedia dalam berpakaian karena mereka sukauniform dressing dan tetap bisa terlihat santai. Berikut pelajaran berbusana dari orang-orang Eropa yang membuat mereka menjadi bangsa paling well-dressed sedunia.

1. Cutting yang simpel dan pas

Untuk menampilkan kesan feminin, orang Eropa lebih suka memakai pakaian yang potongannya pas dengan tubuh. Tidak terlalu ketat hingga terkesan cheap, tapi tidak juga terlalu besar hingga membuat badan tenggelam. Kalau sedang jalan-jalan ke benua biru ini, coba saja masuk ke banyak toko baju yang memang berlabel asli Eropa. Baju-baju yang dijual terkesan simpel, namun tetap terlihat mahal dan elegan.

Tidak seperti gaya fashion Amerika yang cenderung ketat dan terlalu memamerkan keseksian tubuh, gadis-gadis Eropa justru sedikit konservatif soal pakaian. Bahkan saat musim panas pun, ketimbang memakai pakaian yang terlalu mini dan ketat, mereka memilih summer dress atau setelan dengan bahan yang nyaman. Saat musim dingin, tidak seperti kebanyakan orang Amerika yang terobsesi dengan oversized-thing, orang Eropa justru memilih sweater atau coat yang potongannya sesuai dengan ukuran tubuh mereka.

Sewaktu di Indonesia, saya tidak terlalu suka memakai pakaian terlalu simpel karena terkesan super sederhana dan biasa saja. Makanya kebanyakan pakaian saya dulu sedikit unik dengan potongan asimetris atau rumbai-rumbai. Padahal, di Eropa justru semakin simpel potongan pakaian, harganya juga semakin mahal. Quality matters.

2. Jika ragu, selalu pilih warna-warna herbal

Soal pemilihan warna, orang Eropa termasuk yang cukup membosankan hingga terlihat ambil aman. Berbeda dengan gaya-gaya orang Asia yang lebih menyukai warna terang dan pastel, orang Eropa sedikit berhati-hati terhadap warna pakaian mereka.

Orang-orang utara Eropa terkenal menyukai warna netral semisal hitam, putih,navy, atau beige. Di Italia atau Yunani, gadis-gadisnya cenderung lebih berani dengan pemilihan warna merah atau kuning. Sementara Republik Ceko atau Hungaria, terlihat lebih kasual yang tidak terlalu suka warna-warna terlalu terang.

Pemilihan warna sendiri sebenarnya juga tergantung dengan tempat dan musim. Di Indonesia, warna-warna gelap disimbolkan sebagai rasa duka. Sementara di Asia Timur, justru warna putih yang digunakan saat prosesi kematian. Warna-warna gelap juga tidak pas digunakan di negara tropis karena menyerap panas. Namun kebalikannya di utara Eropa, warna hitam adalah warna favorit hampir semua orang saat musim dingin.

Kalau suatu hari berkesempatan liburan atau tinggal di Eropa, bawalah pakaian atau aksesoris dari Indonesia dengan warna-warna netral. Orang Eropa suka motif, tapi itu pun mesti bernuansa monokrom dan tidak terlalu bold. Mereka tidak suka memakai pakaian yang tabrak warna atau motif dari atas sampai bawah karena terlalu menarik perhatian.

3. Skinny jeans is a must!

Meskipun tren celana harem sempat booming di Indonesia dan Amerika, tapi tidak di Eropa. Saya tidak pernah melihat gadis-gadis Eropa berjalan-jalan memakai celana ala Aladin. Ketimbang memakai mom jeans atau jogger, orang Eropa lebih nyaman menunjukkan kaki langsing dan jenjang mereka dengan skinny jeans.

Saat bosan memakai jeans, biasanya para gadis-gadis ini lebih memilih rok ataupun memakai stocking di musim dingin. Beberapa orang yang bosan memakai skinny jeans biasanya memilih celana panjang katun yang sedikit formal dengan potongan slim atau kulot di atas pergelangan kaki. Menurut pengakuan seorang kenalan, di Amerika boro-boro memakai skinny jeans setiap waktu, orang-orang sana malah tidak segan memakai piyama ataupun celana olahraga saat keluar rumah.

Four. Tetap modis di rumah

Berkesempatan tinggal dengan keluarga Eropa, membuat saya terkagum-kagum dengan gaya pakaian mereka di rumah. Saat akhir pekan dan tidak ada kegiatan apapun, keluarga asuh saya di Belgia tetap terlihat modis. Nele, host mom saya, selalu memakai jeans potongan cut bray lengkap dengan sepatu boot-nya di rumah. Sementara host dad saya, Koenrad, terlihat edgy dengan jeans marun atau hijaunya.

Di Denmark, saya tidak pernah melihat Louise memakai kaos walaupun di rumah. Louise selalu memakai blus feminin meskipun sedang mengasuh si kembar. Walaupun tidak berencana pergi kemanapun, Louise selalu mendandani anak-anaknya dengan pakaian kasual seperti jeans ataupun summer dress. Mereka tidak pernah berkeliaran rumah hanya dengan piyama ataupun daster ala kadarnya. Mereka selalu terlihat fresh, trendi, dan seperti siap pergi kemana pun tanpa harus mengganti baju.

Di Indonesia, saya bisa saja tidak mandi seharian sambil tetap memakai piyama. Tapi sejak tinggal di Eropa, meskipun hanya di rumah, saya jadi terbiasa memakai denims, blus, dan ballerina, lengkap dengan make up tipis dan parfum. Padahal di Indonesia, kalau saya berdandan seperti itu pasti akan ditanya ingin pergi kemana.

Five. Selalu pakai yang terbaik

Pernahkah kalian membeli pakaian, disimpan di lemari, lalu berharap pakaian tersebut bisa digunakan saat acara tertentu? Sampai acara tersebut tiba, pakaian baru biasanya hanya disimpan lalu kadang lupa digunakan.

Orang-orang Eropa selalu membeli pakaian yang cocok untuk acara apapun. Saya selalu memperhatikan Louise tampil modis ke kantor dari hanya memakai blus dan jeans, hingga elegan dengan dress hitamnya. Suatu kali, pernah juga saya berkunjung ke rumah seorang teman yang memang seorang Parisian dan tetap terlihat modis saat menyambut kami. Dia membalut t-shirt putihnya dengan kimono bermotif lucu ataupun tetap oke dengan setelan kemeja jeans dan rok mininya. Teman saya yang lain, Ieva, tidak hanya memakai dress mini saat pergi ke bar ataupun klub malam, tapi juga saat café date.

Orang-orang Eropa tidak pernah menyimpan pakaian terbaiknya hanya karena merasa belum pas digunakan di satu acara. Ketimbang menyimpan pakaian dan harus menunggu acara tertentu, mereka selalu mencari momen lain agar pakaian tersebut bisa dipakai. Mereka tidak ragu menggunakan dress berpotongan mini di siang hari, lalu dipadukan dengan cardigan dan stocking agar terlihat lebih "manis" dan kalem.

Saya yang tadinya hanya membeli dress karena ingin dipakai saat pesta saja, sekarang tidak terlalu peduli lagi soal kapan pesta tersebut tiba. Saya tetap memakai si dress meskipun hanya nongkrong di kafe. Saya juga tidak harus memakai kebaya saat kondangan, tapi tetap bisa modis memakainya sebagai pengganti cardigan.

6. Kualitas vs kuantitas

Saya kagum dengan ukuran lemari orang-orang Eropa yang tidak terlihat berlebihan. Berbeda dengan orang Amerika yang harus menyimpan sepatu mereka hingga three lemari, jumlah sepatu orang-orang Eropa bisa dihitung jumlahnya dan muat hanya dalam satu lemari.

Saya jadi ingat isi pakaian ibu saya di rumah yang disimpan hingga five lemari! Belum lagi lemari tas dan sepatunya yang sukses memenuhi kamar dan ruangan setrika. Awalnya saya tidak begitu peduli soal jumlah lemari dan koleksinya. Namun setelah tinggal di Eropa dan kembali ke Indonesia, saya sadar kalau kebiasaan menyimpan pakaian seperti ini sama saja buang-buang waktu dan uang. Belum lagi soal banyaknya barang yang harus dibenahi hingga membuat rumah sesak.

Bayangkan berapa lama waktu yang kita butuhkan tiap pagi hanya karena sibuk memilih-milih pakaian dan pernak-perniknya. Belum lagi saat kondangan, bongkar koleksi tas dan sepatu hanya untuk dipadu-padankan. Kalau sudah kebingungan begini, ujung-ujungnya tetap pakaian yang itu-itu saja yang digunakan.

Brian, host dad saya di Denmark, hanya membeli pakaian dengan kualitas terbaik dari merk ternama. Brian tidak pernah membeli dan menumpuk banyak pakaian hanya karena sedang diskon. Kalau kemejanya sudah kebanyakan, sebelum membeli yang baru, Brian selalu menyumbangkan pakaiannya terlebih dahulu.

Sama seperti istrinya, saya tidak mendapati Louise membeli banyak sepatu hanya sebagai koleksi. Jumlah sepatu Louise di lemari pun bisa dihitung dengan jari. Bukan karena tidak punya uang membeli banyak barang, justru sepatu-sepatu mereka dibeli dengan harga yang mahal demi mendapatkan kualitas terbaik.

Soal pakaian pun, Louise sama seperti suaminya. Sebelum membeli pakaian baru, Louise selalu membenahi isi lemarinya terlebih dahulu. Pakaian yang sudah tidak muat, sedikit longgar, ataupun tidak disukainya lagi, biasanya akan diberikan ke orang terdekat ataupun disumbangkan ke Red Cross.

Louise juga bukan tipe ibu-ibu rempong yang suka kredit tas kesana kemari dengan beragam warna. Daripada membeli banyak tas untuk dipadukan dengan banyak pakaian, Louise lebih suka menggunakanclutchmini berwarna hitam untuk acara kasual. Sementara saat kerja, dia membawa tas berukuran lebih besar berbahan kulit.

Bagi orang Asia dan Amerika, memakai pakaian yang sama terus-menerus bisa dianggap tidak modis, kurang pakaian, hingga seperti tidak punya uang membeli yang baru. Padahal bagi orang Eropa, tidak masalah memakai pakaian, tas, ataupun sepatu yang sama terus-menerus asalkan barang tersebut dibeli dengan kualitas terbaik (baca: no KW-KWan).

Cobalah tonton film-film Eropa asal Prancis seperti Amélie atau Call Me by Your Name yang mengambil setting-nya di Italia. Pakaian dan gaya yang digunakan pemerannya itu-itu saja setiap scene. Tidak seperti orang Amerika yang terkenal konsumtif dan membeli pakaian sesuai tren. Tonton saja kebanyakan film Hollywood yang para pemainnya selalu berganti gaya setiap adegan. Kesimpulannya, orang Eropa memiliki pakaian sedikit namun berkualitas tinggi, sementara orang Amerika kebalikannya.

7. Minim namun elegan

Saya tidak pernah bosan mengatakan kalau selera orang Eropa dalam berpakaian memang cenderung simpel dan elegan. Saat memilih pakaian yang mini, gadis-gadis Eropa tidak pernah memakai pakaian ketat dan seksi di jalan hanya untuk mendapatkan perhatian lawan jenis. Gaun-gaun mini berpotongan seksi biasanya hanya digunakan di klub malam dengan penerangan yang temaram dan membuat mereka lebih percaya diri.

Mereka juga tidak ingin dicap murahan hanya karena buka-bukaan dari atas sampai bawah. Kalaupun ingin menampilkan kesan seksi, mereka hanya menampilkannya di satu sisi. Kalau bagian atas sudah terlalu terbuka, mereka tetap terlihat seksi tanpa harus memamerkan kaki yang jenjang. Begitupun sebaliknya, saat ingin memamerkan kaki yang jenjang dan seksi, mereka lebih memilih atasan tertutup. Contohnya di klub malam, saya sering melihat gadis-gadis yang memilih pakaian dengan potongan dada rendah, namun membalut kaki mereka dengan stocking ataupun celana panjang.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tips Mencontek Gaya Eropa, Belanja Murah di Indonesia|Fashion Style

Beberapa hari yang lalu, seorang teman lama menghubungi saya via sosial media. Teman saya ini ternyata akan liburan selama beberapa hari ke Eropa. Gara-gara postingan tentang pelajaran fashion , tiba-tiba saya merasa jadi fashion guru karena dicecar banyak pertanyaan tentang pakaian seperti apa yang cocok untuk dipakai di Eropa.

Karena berencana liburan di pertengahan September, si teman sering kali menanyakan apakah cocok memakai boot dan mantel saat liburan ke Eropa di penghujung musim panas. Jawabannya, no! Penghujung musim panas di negara empat musim tidak bisa diprediksi. Kadang lembab, tapi juga bisa sangat kering.

Di Eropa Utara, suhu bisa sangat hangat di siang hari, tapi mendadak turun jadi thirteen derajat di malam hari. Makanya ketimbang boot dan mantel tebal, membawa pakaian yang multifungsional saat liburan ke negara empat musim menjadi sangat mutlak.

Kembali ke teman saya tadi, meskipun tipikal cewek stylish dan pandai berdandan, si doski sebenarnya seorang #PejuangIrit . Artinya, dia bisa saja bergaya sebegitu fenomenalnya, berdandan sebegitu menornya, tapi tetap saja suka berburu barang murah hanya untuk memenuhi gayanya sehari-hari. Pertanyaan dia selanjutnya, dimana bisa mendapatkan barang-barang bergaya Eropa di Indonesia, tanpa harus merogoh kocek sedalam kantong celananya Zara ataupun MANGO.

1. Belanja ke pasar barang bekas

Sejujurnya, saya juga mantan #PejuangIrit . I (still) love secondhand market! Saking cinta dan adiktifnya, saya tidak akan pulang dari pasar sebelum uang habis. Bah!

Yang saya suka dari pasar barang bekas, selain bisa menemukan barang unik dan lucu, saya juga sering menemukan banyak koleksi style khas Eropa yang masih bagus-bagus. Dari mantel, sweater, syal, hingga kaos kaki berbahan wool, semuanya lengkap. Memang sih, kadang modelnya terlalu jadul ataupun ukurannya yang hanya satu. Tapi apa salahnya bergerilya ke kios pakaian satu in line with satu kan?

Psstt... belanja di pasar barang bekas juga bisa berarti dua hal, olahraga dan berhitung cepat Matematika. Go bargain them!

2. Belanja on line

Kalau memang tidak ingin repot mencari pakaian di pasar barang bekas, banyak sekali toko fashion online yang bisa dijadikan pilihan untuk berbelanja. Saya juga sebenarnya pecinta belanja online karena simpeldan lebih banyak pilihan.

Tapi, belanja online juga mesti cerdas. Tidak semua tempat belanja on-line menjual barang yang sama dengan harga yang sama pula. Makanya sebelum memutuskan membeli pakaian di satu toko, jangan malas untuk membandingkan dulu ke beberapa toko on line lainnya.

Salah satu barang fashion Eropa multifungsional adalah jaket parka. Selain membawa beberapa potong kaos, pakaian mini, dan get dressed, saya juga menganjurkan si teman untuk membawa jaket parka berwarna herbal atau gelap untuk berjaga dari angin malam.

Awalnya saya mengira jaket parka di Indonesia bisa sangat mahal. Tapi lihat apa yang saya temukan di kedua toko ini! Mahal memang, jaket parka yang dijual Lazada. Namun saya tiba-tibaspeechless saat melihat jaket parka  berbahan katun yang benar-benar sama dijual dengan harga super super super murah di website-nya Shopee .

Selisih harga hingga Rp 141.000 yang sadis

Jaket ini saya temukan di koleksi Garansi Harga Termurah, Uang Kembali 2x Lipat . Dalam kampanye ini, Shopee akan mengembalikan uang kita kalau seandainya ditemukan barang yang sama dengan harga lebih murah di e-commerce lain. Beberapa barang fashion cewek  ataupun cowok yang saya cek di koleksi yang sama pun, murahnya juga ampun-ampunan. Plus, gratis ongkos kirim untuk minimum pembelanjaan tertentu.

Sebenarnya ada beberapa e-commerce terkenal lainnya yang bisa dijadikan opsi belanja, seperti Buka Lapak atau Tokopedia. Berikut perbandingan harga jaket parka dari dua e-commerce lain.

Melirik harga Shopee, selisih harga dari e-trade ini masih bisa beli gorengan

Dilihat dari perbandingan harga jaket parka empat e-commerce terkenal di atas, bisa dipastikan kalau harga termurah masih dipegang Shopee.Makanya menurut saya, pilihan belanja online lewat Shopee bisa jadi salah satu alternatif irit.Again, be a smart shopper!

Three. Belanja di pasar murah

Sejujurnya saya hanya akan datang ke pilihan terakhir ini jika memang kebetulan sedang di luar dan ingin windows shopping. Sekalian lihat-lihat toko, siapa tahu memang ada barang yang dicari.

Meskipun tidak selalu mendapatkan barang fashion dengan gaya Eropa, tapi biasanya harga yang dipatok pun lumayan murah dan bisa ditawar dibandingkan harus datang ke toko mahal yang ada di mall. Banyak juga get dressed-get dressed lucu ataupun kemeja murah untuk menambah perbendaharaan isi lemari yang bisa dipakai di Indonesia, ataupun saat liburan ke negara empat musim.

Kuncinya, kalau memang harus membeli pakaian di Indonesia hanya untuk dibawa liburan ke Eropa, bawalah pakaian berpotongan simpel dan berwarna natural. Orang-orang Eropa sangat anti memakai pakaian ribet, banyak motif, ataupun tabrak warna. Di musim panas yang extremely good hangat pun, jangan heran kalau banyak juga penduduk Eropa yang memakai pakaian hitam.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Tips Bahasa Perancis: Fashion|Fashion Style

Hola todos.. (Spanish, halo semua..)

bueno tardes (Spanish, selamat siang)

Baiklah, sepertinya saya sedikit nggak nyambung nih. Judul postingannya 'Bahasa Perancis' tapi opening greetings-nya malah pakai bahasa Spanyol. Haha.. Maafkan. Di tulisan sebelumnya saya sudah mengaku kalau saya agak iritasi sama bahasa Perancis. Kenapa? Membingungkan! Tulisannya apa, bacanya apa. Saya pernah menuruti salah seorang native speaker asal Perancis bicara, yang ada tenggorokan saya kering dan sakit.

Postingan kali ini cukup simpel, membahas tulisan dengan lafal bahasa Perancis. Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya mendengarkan seorang penyiar radio menyebutkan brand asal Perancis dengan ngaco. Saya jadi sok pinter dan mikir, seorang penyiar radio harusnya cari info yang bener dulu baru di-share ke pendengar. Ini kok dengan bangga menyebut salah satu brand pakaian asal Perancis tapi cara pelafalannya salah. Duuuhh...kok saya waktu itu jadi kesal sendiri ya. Secara saya juga bukan tukang belanja barang bermerk, tapi memang cukup aktif beli majalah fashion. Makanya ketika mendengar si penyiar salah sebut seperti itu, sedikit risih di telinga saya.

Berikut beberapa brand ternama asal Perancis yang orang sering mengucapkannya dengan lafal yang kurang tepat. Hayooo..jangan mengaku suka beli barang mahal ya, tapi menyebut merk-nya saja salah.

Chanel (baca: syanel)

Louis Vuitton (baca: lui vitong) 'o pada foto' . Ini nih brand yang penyebutannya salah sama si penyiar. Tau dia nyebut apa?? LUIS VUITON, jaaahhh...ular piton kali ah.

Dior (baca: jio) 'o pada foto'

Hermes (baca: ighrmes) 'e pada Memes'

Balenciaga (baca: balonsiagya) 'o pada balon'

Givenchy (baca: zyivongzi)

YSL/Yves Saint Laurent (baca: ivs sang lorang). Jadi inget zaman SMA dulu tiap ke toko sepatu terus lihat merk ini bacanya 'waives seint loren'. Haha..

Lacoste (baca: lekost)

Chacarel (baca: syakarel)

Nina Ricci (baca: nina rici)

Pierre Cardin (baca: pier kardan)

LANVIN (baca: longvang)

Celine (baca: selin)

Christian Lacroix (baca: krisciong lakroa)

Le Coq Sportif (baca: lu kog sportif)

Etam (baca: ehtam) 'e pada lele'

Karl Lagerfeld (baca: karl laguerfeld)

Kookai (baca: kukay)

Chantelle (baca: syongtel)

Catherine Malandrino (baca: kehtrin malandrino)

Huruf R pada bahasa Perancis kurang lebih dibaca ghr.

See? Kenapa saya tidak menyukai bahasa Perancis? Saya tidak rela tenggorokan saya gatal-gatal. Haha.. Atau memang saya-nya saja kali ya yang tidak bakat jadi orang romantis.

(brand source: Discount Upon)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Fashion Styling courses

There are several fashion design courses, offered future stylists, who want to pursue a career in the fashion industry. These courses provide candidates with knowledge of various topics, which may include nail care, hair care, hair styling, body care, wardrobe selection and clothing selection.

Aspiring hairdressers, are interested in a career in the fashion industry can either decide to design themselves for a 2-year associate degree in fashion, or they can design is for a 4 year associate degree in fashion. Both these courses help, future stylists are, the different aspects of personal design and also understand how the industry works. These courses to get additional teachings the future stylist know about the chosen path, several other things as such as contacts and customers happy to keep.

Since there are many renowned educational institutions offering fashion design courses, should future stylists various aspects before joining an Institute. Some of the aspects that should be considered are the quality of education, internship, placement and future job opportunities. Fashion design search aspiring stylists that should interest first work experience courses, offering internships also allow these programs stylists, hands on experience. The main advantage of an internship program is that most of the places that offer internships learn candidates, some unintentional mistakes as part of the procedure to make. Often, these inevitable errors prevent that future stylists to make similar mistakes in the future.

The two types of fashion design courses, offered future stylists, which are personal stylists you want are virtual courses and courses of face to face. Face to face courses usually by most people are the access to institutions that offer these courses as such seminars enable candidates, hands on experience and practice in learning, preferred.

While face to face courses have different advantages, many people opt for virtual classes for various reasons. Virtual courses are ideal which is not enough time for people, to face to face courses visit or live in a location that far from institutes offering courses of face to face. Some fashion design Institute offer also mixed seminars, with which candidates to give seminars and virtual seminars by face to face. Mixed seminars are ideal for future stylists, who want to, get both hands on experience and want to save time in learning the art of design.

Learn more about fashion design and fashion design courses where is their profession, please visit

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Fashion style - a simple directive

It is an exciting thing see that the latest fashion style usually wear people today, whether it with regard to the development of the jeans and the rock is his. It is interesting when it comes to the debate on the most popular style.

To each case, you cannot depend only on the recent trend, the best clothes you can wear, but to find attention to the type of the body. You are not a stupid person unsuitable clothes with your body and right looked as want to be? The most important point in the "dictionary" is the style to find the best current clothes fit.

The fashion style will be something, that is associated to the fashion trend.

The five types of body

Further style, every woman has their own unique shape, and all of them are divided into large five types. The first is hourglass body shape. It is broader in the chest and hips, with a narrow waist. The tailor in particular often recommends the trendy belts, flowing skirts and v-Ausschnitt your Bustline to flatter tops.

And now, what type of PEAR? It is a body shape, close to the top and wider at the bottom. In the current style, this kind of body shape may try out many beautiful ways.

And then, the current fashion style brings so much happiness for people with the petite figure, since many pieces in the latest style only for they are designed. And the final form that most open has the options of the current style a long, slender form.

Overall, the style will quickly come and go, but the differences between the people are the willingness to follow the trend or ignore it simply as the phenomenon of life that the changes feel quite comfortable only to see them. More than one person in fashion [] changes just looking, well know some others are the latest fashion of the slave.

You can also on my free tips and guidance for you on the cutting edge in fashion make life read. I hope that this will solve your problem relating to fashion on fashion style []

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Fashion, style and authenticity

Young people fulfil an important function in society. Young people are often referenced as the future of the nation. The idea to reach future generations more than the previous generations is an important factor for the political and social policy. However, ultimately important despite their role in human society, the legal and political status of young people is precarious. While they fully human, they are not independent and it imposed significant limitations of their freedom from their parents, the oldest and the Government.

The young adults search for meaning and identity both individually and in the larger social context, words such as "Fashion", "Style" and "Authenticity" are very important. They apply not only the insignia of the style in dress and personal appearance, but behavior, settings and options, as well as. These concepts have become centers of Pakistani youth culture because young people and young adults of course definition and self-understanding, find the idea in style and make attractive authentic. There is a sense of belonging to their group as a feeling of self-identity of adolescents and young adults.

Integration into the social group is a key component of the youth culture and a sense of style is one of the main methods that youth achieve this goal. Style, is above all a means for young people not only itself but define to determine the bounds of their group.

Interesting is, while the youth as themselves as independent and has a unique identity, the definition of the style that they adopt is necessarily created by someone different and very often that "someone else" is a form of media. Pop music is, for example, individually formulaic that it contains a standardized format of rising and falling notes, structure and topic. Even alternative forms of music followed by a specific format. However, persons in a standardized form, identity, create social and individual, through the selection, the them of these forms. Defined with the 'tool' of the style, youth culture itself by selecting makes the music, clothing, activities and preferences regarding.

Individual authenticity, may be at risk for the larger sense of group identity on the other hand, create the style. While some young people do not necessarily like what, can you see the styles, assume they they definitely keep it, because it helps them feel the sense of belonging.

Social and individual identity can coexist and mix in daily life. However, very often problems arise because of young adults has a much stronger and clearly defined sense of the identity of social groups, youth culture identity and the larger mainstream culture than to do their own individual identity. This sense of the senses at the individual level, missing disturb the styles and fashions of the social group of their own authenticity, by precluding individuality and the natural differences that arise between people. As a result of the own individuality to suppress or thoughtless adherence to social standards can feel young adults at the end of hypocritical and meaningless.

Style, often replaced authenticity in youth culture. Nevertheless, style can young adults-give a feeling of identity, who may not know individually it or feel. Also make the choices, the young adults in the style to help make them through their individual identities so they present a unique expression of who they are and what social group they belong to. The relationship between style, authenticity and youth culture is a dynamic in which both the individual and the culture an active role in establishing the identity and the expression of authenticity play. While the process is unbroken to get annoyed with this balance between individual and social identities until the activity of the style to the individual, can that of the single authentic itself, and in the lives of young adults, formation of identity and individual expression.

One is perhaps more important results in implicit sweeping statement during their lifetime. Young people in their confrontation with the policy are primarily as either moderate Democrats, secular and mainstream Western societies held or presented as a radical and potentially violent. This is at best a gross simplification, but is unfortunately often much allegedly opinion. The reality is that young people is understanding of the relationship between their faith and their political commitments than highly varied as anyone. You need only look to the Internet a taste of diversity: view the thoroughly apolitical Western pop videos of the zweiten-and third generation of Europeans from the Indian subcontinent; Punk, metal, and experimental electronic music to express their uncompromising positions on Palestine to use European and North American youth, or those who find no contradiction between bra-burning is a radical feminist. Similar set of expressions you find in other s contexts such as MySpace and Facebook, or in fact Middle East blogger, which became central to the new media in the region. They can be thought of an acute and the cumulative mental effects of Government, media, and social exclusion and the resulting banishment on the psychology of young people in the diaspora.

Muhammad Umer Mumtaz
Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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Discover the new fashion style 2007

Every year around this time, all the Glam and style magazine presented a buzz what are designers "Fashion Week". 2007 seems no exception, as women everywhere want to know what fabrics, textures, colors and accessories are hot. Although spring just started the new fashion styles that already explode on the scene is described in this article.

With so many fashion designers out there they don't all seem to agree on new fashion styles showcased on the catwalk. One thing they agree on is the "discreet/squeamish look". To achieve this look, you take with an Oxford shirt either a tennis skirt (Yes!) (You are back in fashion) or a mini skirt (but not MINI, so where each step take revealed what God gave). If you want really to achieve this look, add a color coordinated tailored Blazer. Increase the view from with a pair of strappy or Chuncky sandals. For the sporty look, wearing exactly bright colored tank with a fresh pairs cool sneakers.

A further unanimously on the this year's fashion style is ornament. Done the wrong way and decorated clothing spells disaster. The way, is to avoid this finding by solid pieces. This meaning clothes with diamond earrings, jewelry, etc. with a single color. Favorite designers love are silver, copper and bronze. The most popular are the blouses or dresses adorned with crystals, pearls or even nervous Stud that freedom of movement and fashionable on the body. If you find a blouse or a dress, which is simply "to die", you go by adding a pair of strappy or clunky high heels and a matching bag for the total amount of "glam look".

Patent leather emerged as another hot material. It is more than just accessories of this season appear. See patent leather jackets, skirts, handbags and shoes. The "new patent leather" is a thrust of glossy everywhere that presented themselves. But must you keep in mind, to make sure to keep it simple, if this material to it with other textures in conflict advised that are also on the stage not carry.

Finally finishing touch.... Accessories. Statement jewels are all rave this season. Emerging on everyone who is anyone from New York, NY to Milan. Bracelets on one or both wrists make every ensemble you set to sizzle with pizazz! (Most designers recommend gold, it never goes out of fashion) Bangles for you are not, you can feel in a big fat necklace with matching earrings (with spring colors that complement what you wear). Decorated handbags are always a bonus.

These are just some of the new fashion styles beat all major and minor of department stores around the world. With all the different designers, styles, colors, prints and textures is it have enough overwhelmed you feel. With a little time and practice, you will highlight the perfect ensemble and accessories quickly able! A guarantee to feel look so beautiful as you!

Kelly writes many informative articles about women's fashion, beauty tips and health issues. Visit fashion Stlyes [] and [] to read many more articles.

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What the fashion shoes are style in 2010 spring and summer?

The Director answered 'Depends on the mode on the mood of the people,' the well-known brand Valentino Italy in an interview.

Worldwide, the design style and fashion trends clothes and shoes tightly with the fashion capital are French and the representatives of the world are Italy fashion and culture. However the human unconscious psychological reflection on the world fashion culture derived from. After 911 are the cool colors of fashion in the world. In addition, the style was pay tribute. And the black color of clothing and shoes have become popular in America only from then on. In the 1980s, as China's policy of reform and open only implementation was, from pants in China were very popular. All of this could reflect that the fashion and culture is the mirror of the people's Party attitude. Also the economic situation of the district and the local consumption pattern has the fashion clothes and shoes.

After the Iraq, the international political situation was stable. And the world economy developed more smoothly. So that people may be back in good mood and more attention are to enjoy the quality of life and life. Therefore the avant-garde, fat and enthusiastic style became very popular since 2005. The warm color became popular these years, such pink, green etc. For the material are especially delicate silk, cotton textiles. Fashion colors make a perfect match women's shoes and clothes. The popular color for 2010 spring and summer are beige and bright yellow sandals. The fact noted toe Boxlouboutin shoes are popular. As for the styles, the stiletto heels and flat shoes of fashion styles are at the same time! Different needs only to the consumer of the fashionable and comfortable. And the shoes are especially calf leather with rubber soles. And the Crystal heels starts this summer go on.

In fact, popular and fashion style perhaps not the best for you. In other words, if you walk all the same on the street style red sole shoes take you do think that will be nice? So my opinion, the popular and fashion trend could only be used as reference. Keep in mind that the fashion and style warm shoes and clothes for you might be suitable. But for you, which are always popular, only to my spirit!

Enjoy your life. Simple can be happy!

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Fashion style of mens jacket

Even before time were jacket as an integral part of men's clothing look at. Jackets to keep us warm and find a perfect complement to your stylish outfit in your wardrobe. But as an individual, you should type of the fashion stylist jacket that really fit you know. Things that we recommend in selecting a jacket can make is that you choose those which you more comfortable, if you wear and that you have bought the jacket because you like it.

Leather jacket had been on the market, even before we are born. Men choose this jacket because it provides much used. Bomber jacket is a jacket apart from the fact that can it keep us warm, it is also the best among other jacket because with this jacket you ever can wear it season Ant, which it can be easy if all dresses and pants are paired. It's nice if you decide that a leather jacket bomber, which suits you best. Then we have the pea jacket is a jacket, the wool is and it fits not only men, but women also, this type of clothing fits all body size, because it is typically baggy. Blazer is a must if one is looking for something that they on their clothes with a worry about what they want to pair are it can pair with Blazer because everything fits, you just have a few shirt under his Blazer and nice shoes wear a beautiful way and way pants then then you are clothes for the people around you on the way to model, because you make it look beautiful and seductive.

Fashion men jacket style thought to wear when it's in a fashion event, but what people don't know perhaps by some, is, that wear at any time you feel it can carry it and also it is means not only for men but women can perfect it also bear as long as they know how to himself while wear a jacket, then it also is best suited to handle for them. Jacket may vary in style, brand and price should be a must have on our clothes.

Mens jacketis the latest trends in clothing and fashion for this generation. The most popular brands of the mens casual Jacketyou can find more information here.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Both practicality and fashion style can be obtained by carrying tote bags

More and more women like to tote bags, use because of the practicality and modern style. Typically, shopper to can enable in size, people are still more things that you can pass to buy in supermarkets in addition to basic personal needs. For daily use bags are top choices for women who create trendy and modern styles.

Leather is generally preferable to most material used to bag. The material of leather can firmly ensuring the quality of the bags. Because bags everywhere bought to help many things of personal stuff on unexpected elements, the quality and shelf-life should be seriously reliable. On the other hand, if you buy a tote, you must check to see whether they are made of real leather and whether they can support the weight of the heavy objects the straps. If the straps should meet the requirements, the quality of the bag in question provided. Sometimes you'll find also Tote handbags made of cotton or canvas made are.

The design of the bag can be very different. With regard to the practical purpose serve still, as with several bags many bags inside and outside, some with zippers on them. Some bags have adjustable straps that busy women to provide great convenience. The straps of bags in different styles attached to the bags in different ways, some with the use of closures and some with buckles.

Without a doubt, designer bag to be always top choices for women. You have no worries about the style and quality. Although the bag is perfect in design and style, you should be careful however with mating Only if you pair the bag with the outfit in an appropriate manner the whole style is in the eye.

Vicky is a fashion enthusiast interested in fast manner shows . Also like their knowledge of carrier bags with you share.

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Enter your fashion style prom night

One of the best events, a student can learn while still school is likely, the prom night. Yes, it is an annual event, but then, every year since only those in their junior Gets the chance in it not everyone or senior year are allowed to participate. This is a very sad news that what only this means that once in life time should never be taken for granted. A student there should be to visit and to show dresses the set the fashion style either by the way upwards, or in different ways possible.

Dress for girls, is a way to bring the fashion style to express and they see the prom night as a possible place to unleash this page. You do not this opportunity vergeuden. When participating in the night, make sure that you look good to spectators, no walk way from your own style.

Choose the right prom dresses. Probably the most important issue in a prom night and not the institution itself is not necessary to mention the dress. So put on a perfect for, who you are, is the smartest thing to do. The girly type are you? Take your choice from Jovani prom dresses. If you are not the super feminine, maybe a simple works cocktails piece well compared to prom dresses. There are available various colors and designs as well as to go with who you are.
Choose the right shoes. To go with your Jovani prom dresses as well is a good pair of shoes. High heels, pumps and some comfortable works well, as long as you are comfortable wearing it are for the whole night. You could either striking or be easy. Their call. To ensure that you don't go home crawl on the ground because of aching feet and battered soles. There are a number of which, in an affordable price, but with impressive quality and are sold.
Hair and make-up. Dressed in prom dresses no guarantee is appropriate for your own fashion styles. It should be stepped up, with make-up and hair style to look like you. Full of make-up is stimulated by a lighter, you can already work wonders in your face and image. Remember, on the one that is your skin if you have allergies. Hairdressers are also available around the corner, if you want a professional touch.
Choose from the bag. Use your materials in one place, so that you can wear them around, if you are in the party. A handy bag or handbag is all what you need to complete the fashion style perfect for every prom. You can be very good the same color as your dress.

PROM nights are one of the many ways to show how your talks fashion style for yourself. By combining these useful pieces, you come up with the right look you are looking for without exercising and spending to much time and money.

André Reynolds enjoys writing for and prom dresses and Jovani prom dresses , as well as a variety of additional products sold.

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Fashion style mistakes to avoid

Not everyone has a highly developed fashion style and sense for fashion as the great fashion designers. But even great designer fashion bombs sometimes. Although one may be not sure if his or her fashion or is not perfect, there are a few basic rules, one can follow at least him or her a chance to give a positive fashion statement.

According to trends and fashions fashion blind is something that you should avoid at all costs. Although it applies to, it seems that it can carry all around you, must you that you moved to the frenzy not given eighth, made, if the style does not fit the fashion. A lot of time, fashion fads not long last and found at the end of may with the pile of clothing that you can not again and again.

Accessorizing is good, but too much of that would be a fashion no-no. It is only good to carry ten bracelets and five necklaces and earrings and other bling, see if you six years old and playing are Kleid-Up. When you are an adult, it is simply ridiculous. It can be shown regardless of jewelry or accessories you but not all at the same time you. Keep in mind there are other parties or social events where you can see your other things. Add a little class to your fashion style by you with the motto "less is more", when it comes to Accessories.

Buy things just because they are on sale. Similar to FAD is blind the following fashion to buy just because an item for sale is just a waste of money. Make sure that when you purchase with your hard earned money, it would be something that you can use, and that it will take. Otherwise, sell or not, it is better, your teeth clench and removed only on foot.

Clothes, you do not fit is also a big mistake. First of all, ill-fitting clothes are not very comfortable to wear. Clothes that are too large or too small, and do nothing for your figure. It is only your wardrobe disaster fashion make. Do you like yourself one, if it fits your clothes not, they're giving away. You help not only others, but they will also help.

Finally, it needs not much brain power to know the right fashion style for you. It's all about control of their own, and to know the right balance of things. Keep in mind that too much of anything is never good.

What is the Fashion style , the people looking after because of their order to depend on. Select the correct mode make us confident.

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Latest style & fashion trends in Australia

I like such a freak of fashion to explore and new fashion styles and trends in the market. Recently, I attended a fashion show in Australia, where designers showed their prevailing fashion styles in a unique and modern way. The major change in this fashion show was casual approach in the design and the Collections. Earlier Australian used to follow a tailored approach in their fashion style. But now their fashion styles show the current and unique modern trends in society.

Most of the Australian designers are textile industry from Australian fashion and influenced Australian culture. This approach has made popular around the world to their designs and collections. These days there are many sites that sell trendy clothes online and designers have also their shops have opened shops the customer in a wider audience to reach.

I am really like simple, but elegant clothes for my own purchase. Whether it's a designer outfit or casual dress, I try, find more outfit online and offline bargains and discounts. But to save my time and money, I generally things Discover Network for designer clothes. There are large presence of online shopping sites on the Internet, but it's all at your preference, interest and purchase area.

In short, I will say that is one thing, that Australian fashion is now widely recognized and Australians to compete on the global front with fashion powerhouses such as Paris and London. Australia-made products and items are popular worldwide. Now it will be not long until the day when the Australian fashion industry is the world like Paris rule.

Prabhjot K Gill is an online marketing coordinator and content writer from Melbourne, Australia. She writes in her spare time on several different websites including

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Fashion styles - if only trends come and go

Fashion style is one of the many things that changes in a short time. A moment, the people crazy about colored thin will require jeans, briefcases for Designer rolling them tomorrow and clothes. People can change their settings to certain parts of fashion what it is, but in any case, all of them goes back always to the Basic.

Fashion is a never ending cycle. What is now in May of long ago, come only make their appearance once again visible. If you can remember it correctly, are super skinny jeans people's Party favorites like twenty years ago. But before that, Bell-Bottoms dominates the market. To compare all of the current situation. The enthusiasm for skinny jeans is back, but actually four years ago, every single kid on the block has a few bell bottom jeans. And if honestly to be of the same cycle repeats for the next years to come.

Let us go to the cycle of the bags. In the 1990s girls go gaga shoulder bags, to use when shopping. They come in different colors, accompanied with long bag carriers, to get that on your legs. This changed when young people and young professionals of the new star hand bags and purses start sport. It remained for quite sometime designers make filthy rich, the handbag because some of them are very expensive, to say it. Years after the fashion shoulder bags slowly dominate the scene once again.

Men generally do not like to have these clothes is the trend. Of the hand-held briefcases and file organizers can roles business cases also to be be. Briefcases for men are especially for the male population so that they with the women's may have be a trend of their own, without decisions. It takes only a not so long time before the original fashion would have to return.

Shoes are some fast as also changes. Some of the old school shoes can be retired, but some are developed in various parts. Height can as high as 4 inch and even beyond (with the help of platforms) also women who is missing that solve problem with heels.

Dresses make a few flashbacks. The last few years with predominantly black and white and other not loud colors filled few years clothes can be, but the last are all of the colors of green, purple, pink or Fuchsia, Sunshine yellow, red wines among others-the brand of the year 1990 the.

Fashion styles are never stagnant. In a few years or less, the trend that would last for a very long time is thought only right before your eyes disappear and will be overthrown by the new kid on the block. It's just a question of how long will it survive the dynamic environment of the fashion world, and it will leave even a mark on the scene, or is it just another fashion faux pas.

Philip Andrews enjoys the ongoing business cases and briefcases for men writing for and as well as a variety of additional products sold.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fashion style: Product of inner artistry

Trendy and want to be stylish in all of your favorite parties and opportunities? It's amazing and fun, unique and fashionable. Even a mullet wig can help make a difference if you only know perform like the way that you have chosen to impose. During parties, it is important that you know every detail of the event. You can prepare this for your outfit and style. The more unique you are, you can withdraw the more definitely in the set.

Parties, Halloween and costume wear the stylish Halloween wigs can make possible. In any case, there are a lot of designs to choose from, depending on the sign that you are trying to represent. Pirate Costume is always beautiful, perfectly matched with mullet wig. If you try Jack Sparrow will be only for one night, you make it true by choosing a stylish: pirate costumes Halloween wigs then be paired with one of the charming pirate definitely on her eyes.

Their fashion statement is definitely a must, when it comes, attending a party. You will be setting a personal fashion coach or you'll be managing your own style. Either, you need to out way to be unique and different.

There are cases when you think, be disclosed a fashion and style that you want to materialize during a party. This is true to a lot of party-goers, especially if they have already tried, appear in many parties. Sometimes you do fashion ideas. Find may be hard to do, but not to worry even a few for a mullet wig. You can do a way to search a solution to this dilemma that you definitely.

If you a party girl since then have been, then know you at least in your mind the possible parties are you participate each year. If this is the case, you create a list of the parties, your preparation ahead of time. This can also save your efforts and the potential stress and provide those who are exposed to you, will. If you have a regular Halloween party participants of then matching one of the Halloween wigs for a perfect outfit or suit will be not more difficult for you.

Trust your fashion statement. It is really good you want to experiment to different styles. The important thing is that you are able, and the way, that you created. Trust can make a big difference in your costumes and in any case portrays the character that you selected. Say, a cruel witch. In any case, a filthy and dirty witch costume will do. Her hair is a complete mess or wear a Halloween costume, hair accessories and gels store. If your appreciation is low you are hidden in a corner at the end of a real witch.

The catch is that one to show should be no fear, their own ways and means. We should understand that our fashion statement is in what a man, we are. We are artistic and definitely creative so that the partial further with fun and joy until it ends.

Todd Wertz is a writer, the like information about Halloween wigs and mullet wig and share other similar products.

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Developing your own fashion style

Ihr Stil ist wichtig. Fragen Sie sich jedes Mal, wenn Sie etwas kaufen, jedes Mal, wenn Sie nichts machen, oder etwas gemacht haben: ist es in Übereinstimmung mit meinen Stil? Erfüllt es die Anforderungen der richtigen Kleidung für mich?

Wenn Sie in einer kleinen Stadt oder ein Dorf Leben und fand sich plötzlich auf der Fifth Avenue in New York City, würden Sie auffällig in Ihre Kleidung fühlen? Wenn Freunde aus der Mode Zentren von Amerika zu Besuch kommen würden, würden Sie von Platz in Ihrem Kostüm fühlen? Sie sollten nicht. Sie haben die gleiche Chancen, als jede andere Frau richtig angezogen werden, wenn Sie lernen und in Richtung Perfektion in Kleid zu beharren.

Wir müssen erkennen, dass wir unsere eigenen Stil haben und dass wir eines bestimmten Typs. Dies wird durch jede Mode Autorität im Land und jede Publikation Mode für erkannt, wenn alle Frauen waren, eine Mode einzuhalten, eine Mode würde nur in der Mode-Bücher anstelle von zwanzig, dreißig oder fünfzig verschiedene Designs gezeigt werden.

Schauen Sie durch alle Modebuch Berlin heute und erhalten Sie Runde und Runde und vorsichtig in das gleiche Problem--alle mit der Idee helfen Frauen kleiden sich korrekt und Vorschläge, die ihnen helfen individuell zu entsprechenden Stile finden.

Zur Gründung eines Stils für sich selbst und dann zu vervollkommnen--es werden in Hüte, Handschuhe, Schuhe, Kleiderund Anzüge--wirtschaftlich erweisen werden, und sie werden nicht lange, bevor ein Grad an Perfektion erworben werden.

Eine prominente New York Business-Frau, wer die meisten markant gekleideten Frauen, die ich kenne gehört, trägt die intelligenteste Anzüge und Hüte und immer schwer maßgeschneiderte Kleider. Und ihre Krawatten, in der Regel eine Jabot oder eine Aktie ist so schlau, dass Sie nie für eine Minute Frage wäre, ob es sich um autorisierende Mode. Sie trägt immer hohe Schuhe auf der Straße, und sie haben in der Regel helle Pullover, denn sie groß ist und die leichte Tops der Schuhe, um die Darstellung der Höhe zu brechen.

Eines Tages, kam diese junge Frau um mich zu besuchen. Ich könnte nicht davon absehen bemerkte über die Vollständigkeit der ihr Kostüm. Ich sagte: "Wenn ich dein Schatten sah, ich sollten wissen, dass es wurde Sie durch die Harmonie, die Ihre Kontur ausdrückt und die Art Sie selbst tragen."

Sie sagte: "wissen Sie, dass Bemerkungen wie das Ihre sind Ursache für mich zum Erwerb von meinen Stil Dressing durchhalten? Früher dachte ich, dass ich Lose, floppy Kleidung, in denen ich kann entspannen und so frei und bequem, als wären im Negligé. Einmal, wenn Sie in eine Fähre überqueren Hafen von New York, sah ich eine Reihe von faltig-bis Frauen offenbar genießen ihre schlampige Haltung mir gegenüber sitzt. Keiner von ihnen würde oder stolz auf ihr Äußeres ausgedrückt. Keiner der Frauen auf dem Boot, ich dachte, war ungewöhnlich oder hatte jeder Wunsch, besser kennen zu lernen. Ich habe dann ein wenig self-inventory. Ich schämte mich, weil ich merkte, daß ich nicht sehr viel besser als die anderen Frauen auf dem Boot gekleidet. Ich saß gerade und rechts und dann dort festgestellt, dass ich einen Stil zu werden und praktisch für mich erwerben würde und möchte diesen Stil in die attraktivsten und angenehme Weise, die ich konnte zum Ausdruck bringen. Und dieser Entschließung hat mir geholfen, mehr als ich kann sagen."

Sie war Frank genug, mir zu sagen, dass sie einen großen Teil von ihr Erfolg zugeschrieben haben bis weckte, um selbst trim gemacht haben und haben sich damit gehalten. Sie will immer einen guten Anzug oder eine gute Kleid--haben sich nur so gut wie sie möglicherweise leisten kann; Sie kauft ein Kleidungsstück, die sie hat, zu respektieren, und das wird ihr "verkleiden sich um zu passen."

Sie sagte: "Wenn ich auf eine schäbige Kleidung, ich meine Schuhe zu schäbig erlaubt und werden unvorsichtig über meine persönliche Pflege; aber wenn ich eine Kleid, der ich habe über besonderen zu haben, ich habe immer meine Haare, meine Schuhe, meine Handschuhe, meine Korsett--alles--genau das richtige für sie, und ich immer sehr viel besser aussehen."

Leben bis zu sind Ihrer Kleidung, erstellen einen Stil, und gleich auf einen intelligenten Ausdruck davon viele Dollar in eine Frau, zu einem Erfolg im Geschäft, im Haus oder im gesellschaftlichen Leben will.

"Entwickeln Ihre eigene Mode-Stil" stammt aus einer 1918 Publikation "Geheimnisse der markanten Kleid". Die Information ist zeitlos, und damals wie heute als es anwendbar war. Erfahren Sie mehr über 1920er Damen Mode laden wir Sie ein, besuchen

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Creating different fashion styles with a perfect purse

It is clear that a great purse help, a great way stands out a woman from the others in the set established. Usually that is not necessarily the most fabulous on the most suitable handbag for us, but one that matches our own style and personality. With an ideal wallet we can create inspired about different fashion styles as possible to explore so many possibilities in a purse. Therefore it is important that choose correct purse.

In view of the relationship between the budget and your body figure you should take to see shape and size of the purse, whether it well or not your character can flatter body. In General a great bag with a long strap can an ideal choice for women who have large breasts and hope that the attention away from the chest. For petite women, small size round purse can be large. On the other hand, the type can and way you take the handbag also influence what look like your body shape. For example, if you later want to search, you should choose a bag, which is lower than your waist.

The colour is also an important factor, which you should think when choosing the right purse. You are good color matching, you must have respected colors, the selection of accessories which play an important role in the creation of a wonderful fashion style. If you as a result receive the same dress with pockets in different color pair, all kinds of interesting and exciting styles.

You can create a lot of fun by the many possibilities of the purse in various big fashion styles. The potential according to all kinds of ensemble can view but not all budgets, but such offer only the one that suits you the most potential.

Victoria is a fashion enthusiast interested in fast manner shows . Also like their knowledge of women's handbags with you share.

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Spring 2008 fashion styles - 12 top trends

Take a blend of many decades of style, add a dash of old Hollywood glamour, and you have the magic of the trends for spring 2008. This season the designers added modern twists to our favorite classic and timeless pieces. Fashion icons like Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy, and Princess Diana wore many of these sophisticated and classic trends: romantic, flirty, and colorful in design and mood. Here are my top twelve trends for spring. You may not love all of them, but I encourage you to select a few to add to your existing wardrobe to look more modern and fashionable.

1). Crayola Colors This season the designers have added a lot of vibrant hues in saturated colors like bright yellow, grass green, royal blue, red, safety orange and fuchsia. These bright colors may be hard for everyone to wear. If you want to experiment with bold colors, start with a bright blouse or jacket and pair it with a pair of white pants or a skirt, which will tone it down a bit. When you wear bright colors like these, keep your accessories simple, so that the color becomes the focal point.

2). Pattern Punch, Creative Strokes & Floral Dresses, jackets, tops and skirts will come in all sizes of patterns this season. The popular prints will have graphic, geometric and abstract motifs. You will see some beautiful new prints that look like creative brush stroke patterns off an artist's canvas in a light whimsical scrawl or a blurred watercolor abstract. Romantic florals will dominate the season in medium to large prints. When selecting a print to wear in the professional business arena, remember to keep it in the small to medium range, and in a subtle color.

3). The Waist-Defined Dress Springtime is all about dresses this year. The two most popular styles, which I adore, are the shirt dress and the sheath dress; both of which accentuate the waist area. I love these styles because they work well in a business casual work environment, and can go from day to night with a change to dressier accessories. The shirt dress is a tailored, stylish, and classic silhouette, with a collar that can be worn turned up a bit, and a button-down front, which when unbuttoned, can create a great V-neckline. A shirt dress with a sash or belt can compliment a waistline, or help to create one that is not prominent enough. This style of dress is flattering to many different body types. Many sheath dress styles can be worn without a belt but are shapely to your body and define a bit of waist. This dress looks professional worn with a modern or tailored jacket during the day, and worn with a great purse and clutch handbag for an after-hours event. For work this style of dress worn with a jacket conveys professionalism, expertise and femininity for women in business.

4). The Timeless Trench The classic trench returns in time for the springtime weather and it is a great wardrobe essential that every woman needs in her closet. This season you will see a more modern version of the classic trench coat. The latest twists are brighter colors, lighter fabrics and shorter jacket styles, which look great with dress trousers. The timeless trench takes on a springtime, fresh look with softer fabrics and fun colors. This is also a great item to pair with jeans and sandals during those cool spring evenings to look stylish and chic.

5). The Feminine Blouse The mood of the season is romantic and flirty when it comes to blouses. Beautiful soft blouses in pastels and prints with lots of feminine details like ruffles, pin tucks and tiny pleats. With the fine detailing on these blouses, keep jewelry to a minimum. This is a great must-have for every workingwoman, as this sophisticated and romantic item can modernize a classic suit and add a womanly flair to a basic tailored suit.

6). Out of Africa Safari wear is a great timeless trend again this season. From the 1970's era, you will see African safari jackets, khaki shirt dresses, and belted safari pant suits. In with this trend you'll find great animal prints, like leopard and giraffe, in dresses and tops. To give this style a great head to toe look try pairing a safari outfit with some natural wood accessories and trendy wide strapped sandals with wooden soles and heels.

7). Full, Flirty Skirts Skirt silhouettes will be full and stylish this season like the dirndl, the A-line, pleated styles and soft flirty skirts with a fuller silhouette. These styles will be in solid bold colors, color blocked prints, floral and artistic prints. A soft A-line skirt that gently drapes over your hip is a flattering style for many women, as it camouflages large hip areas. Any of these styles worn with a modern jacket, a twin set or a soft feminine blouse makes for a winning combination to keep in mind for a business casual workday.

8). High-Waisted Trousers This is a hard trend for many women to accept since we have, for years, had to become accustomed to the low-rise pant. This trend started last fall and we are definitely starting to see more dramatic waistbands rise to new levels. The styles that illustrate this trend are the sailor pant or wide-legged pant. While this trend may not work for everyone, if you have a defined waistline, this can really show off your small waist area. You will look curvy, but womanly. When you wear a higher-waist pant be sure to balance it with a form fitting top on your upper torso, making your legs appear slimmer and longer. If your body type doesn't look great in this trend - skip it, as there are a lot of pants options this season.

9). Global Chic This season the designers traveled the world and went outside the box to get inspired for new patterns, shapes and accessories to give that "melting pot" allure to dressing. You will see a large ethnic influence like apparel with embroidery or intricate Bali-influenced prints. In jewelry you will see tribal beads, stones, chunky wooden carved necklaces and natural wood pieces. When you wear a piece of this global look, incorporate it with some other pieces in your wardrobe. Perhaps add a dramatic necklace or bracelet from a faraway place to finish a look on a safari ensemble, or casual jean outfit.

10). Shoes - Architectural Heels and Bold Colors Shoes this season will be very structured with lots of architectural details on the heels and artfully designed platforms. The structured high wooden heels and soles on sandals will look natural and earthy when worn with dresses and skirts. At the other end of the spectrum is color. You will see pops of color in a modern mix of color blocking on shoes like bright pinks and yellows mixed with black. If you decide to wear some colorful shoes in vivid colors, let them be the focus and keep the ensemble simple and elegant.

11). Shades of Gold: Metallic Jewelry Necklaces, bracelets and earrings this season will be in new shades of metallic gold. Rose gold is the new modern gold to wear. If you are warm in coloring, adding rose gold accessories will make your current wardrobe more contemporary. This shade of gold looks beautiful with many of the beautiful neutral colors coming out this spring and summer.

12). Stacked Bangles and Cuffs In the bracelet category you will see cuffs in various metallics, and bold color in Lucite. Stack up your arm with some fun bangles in different shapes and sizes. This is a fun item to wear to add some style to a dress or if you are wearing a short sleeve or sleeveless blouse. Do be careful if you are in the workplace that you don't overdo it. Perhaps go for one cuff bracelet so you aren't jingling all over the office.

I hope that you find at least two to three trends that you are willing to try to incorporate into your existing wardrobe. If you add a few of these into your classic-trend ensembles, you will look stylish and chic for every occasion.

Sarah Hathorn is a certified image consultant, speaker, and corporate image advisor. Illustra Image Consulting works with individual men and women who wish to update their fashion and professional presence. The company also provides corporate image services to organizations that wish to enhance their corporate brand within the marketplace.
Illustra Image Consulting - Perception is Reality!
Copyright 2007, Sarah Hathorn, AICI, Certified Image Consultant
This article may be reproduced only in it's entirety, including the above bio.

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What's your fashion style?

When it comes, you do keep clothes usually you are to a certain style or a fashion scientists due to the large number of attention must be invoked, you numbers on trends. It may be possible that you are aware of not your personal style. Whether your style or not read note this guide, to learn a bit more about it and you can make what changes (if want).

1. Sexy Lexis - Lexis is all about clothes that show skin as Division and particularly tight fit. You can feel that conservative or unrevealing clothes are only for the elderly. Lexis to learn when to weaken her sexy image. For example, they should be avoided, wear a blouse with deep neckline on foot in church. Look, except when it is ready received, a few dirty.

2. Care-Lesley she asks: what is fashion? Can I eat with cheese? She really know what is the latest trend, and frankly less can interest me. Lesley should try to avoid something new once in a while just for fun and put on a particular style.

3. Rebellious Chica-she makes their own rules when it comes to fashion. Avoids all that stretches like everyone else. Just as sexy Lexis may require weakening their personal style. In a job interview, they should comply with the expected standards of clothing. Lands at least up to the job.

4. Fashion Diva-style is her middle name. Always wears above on their image and hates more than once to be seen, an outfit. Keeping up with the fashion, which can get quite expensive tendencies. You need, watch carefully to their finances, to avoid additional expenditure.

5. Athletic lady - she loves their jeans and sneakers and go anywhere with them. Dress should be playing once in a while. This will help your appearance better, even if the temporary changes are.

6. Comfy Carmen-Carmen is all about comfort. You selects your clothes based on the way, how, who feels it. You should check out of bulky-looking shoes crime, which make their appearance meters wide or greater and clothing also loose fit. Clothes that are too large making everyone see heavier and older.

7. Elegant Elenin - Elenin is always dress to impress. It will not, allow that someone to see dressed down. However, it will be of benefit for them to loosen or dress comfortably once in a while. People can see perfectly constantly.

8. Put in the time - this type of person not remembers the last time bought a piece of clothing. She will not stop, wear their clothes, until it has a hole in it. You should not use the same clothes for too many years, until it (20 years later) returns to the style.

9. Balanced Brianna - she probably has one which other personal styles in this guide is referred to but clearly that certain situations that require that they up or down clothes. They are not hesitate, try a new style, as long as it doesn't make it look like a fool.

Kenya is the editor of online magazine [] "for every aspect of the woman of today." Visit their site to a large number of women and issues "you will find piece of heaven her inspirational column here [] Kenya's little"

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The development of fashion styles

Who has a preferred style of fashion? Surely everyone can look back on a time in the history and style of clothing worn at this time only admire. I know that I do.

My personal favorite of fashion styles are a relapse in the 1930s, when men's suits were developed, the perception of a large torso create. The shoulders were squared with cotton wool or believe it or not, epaulettes and the sleeves were tapered to the wrist. The shaped chest and additional width framed intelligent peak lapels wide shoulders added. This was a time, that the rise in popularity of the double breasted saw the suit also color which developed in the modern business suit.

This was suits a time than men male and elegant with jackets with long, wide lapels, two, four or six buttons, square shoulders and vent of less tails were. A generous cut completed long pair of trousers look.

Enough of my favorites.

Every ten years new fashion styles, usually on the heels of adventurer has brought the shift in the social climate of the day.

My was likely a decade very itself at the Centre to the least preferred style of fashion during the 1980s, when the clothing was the culture of the day in what for mirrored styles. The attitude was one of the fat aggression and clothes that make not only a bold statement does not take the note. It is absolutely not be surprised that not only the fashions bold and aggressive, the middle of the 80' also started Dior poison in itself a very bold and aggressive perfume, favoured by the so-called strong performance suitable team at the time. For me a very forgettable decade.

Can you talk really about fashion style, without mentioning of the 1960s. The 1960s was probably the most revolutionary decade since time immemorial. The war in Viet Nam with a whole generation his back to aggressive imperialism return brought about a change in the public thought. The result was a wave of peace demonstrations, where the concept of love and peace by an audience very enthusiastic and willing were adopted. The hippie-style of the sixties were a blatant snub to the conformity of the previous decade with flowers, colour and a return to the basics.

Love them or hate them, changing fashion styles with the direction of the wind and long can, which continue.

Peace man

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