Young people fulfil an important function in society. Young people are often referenced as the future of the nation. The idea to reach future generations more than the previous generations is an important factor for the political and social policy. However, ultimately important despite their role in human society, the legal and political status of young people is precarious. While they fully human, they are not independent and it imposed significant limitations of their freedom from their parents, the oldest and the Government.
The young adults search for meaning and identity both individually and in the larger social context, words such as "Fashion", "Style" and "Authenticity" are very important. They apply not only the insignia of the style in dress and personal appearance, but behavior, settings and options, as well as. These concepts have become centers of Pakistani youth culture because young people and young adults of course definition and self-understanding, find the idea in style and make attractive authentic. There is a sense of belonging to their group as a feeling of self-identity of adolescents and young adults.
Integration into the social group is a key component of the youth culture and a sense of style is one of the main methods that youth achieve this goal. Style, is above all a means for young people not only itself but define to determine the bounds of their group.
Interesting is, while the youth as themselves as independent and has a unique identity, the definition of the style that they adopt is necessarily created by someone different and very often that "someone else" is a form of media. Pop music is, for example, individually formulaic that it contains a standardized format of rising and falling notes, structure and topic. Even alternative forms of music followed by a specific format. However, persons in a standardized form, identity, create social and individual, through the selection, the them of these forms. Defined with the 'tool' of the style, youth culture itself by selecting makes the music, clothing, activities and preferences regarding.
Individual authenticity, may be at risk for the larger sense of group identity on the other hand, create the style. While some young people do not necessarily like what, can you see the styles, assume they they definitely keep it, because it helps them feel the sense of belonging.
Social and individual identity can coexist and mix in daily life. However, very often problems arise because of young adults has a much stronger and clearly defined sense of the identity of social groups, youth culture identity and the larger mainstream culture than to do their own individual identity. This sense of the senses at the individual level, missing disturb the styles and fashions of the social group of their own authenticity, by precluding individuality and the natural differences that arise between people. As a result of the own individuality to suppress or thoughtless adherence to social standards can feel young adults at the end of hypocritical and meaningless.
Style, often replaced authenticity in youth culture. Nevertheless, style can young adults-give a feeling of identity, who may not know individually it or feel. Also make the choices, the young adults in the style to help make them through their individual identities so they present a unique expression of who they are and what social group they belong to. The relationship between style, authenticity and youth culture is a dynamic in which both the individual and the culture an active role in establishing the identity and the expression of authenticity play. While the process is unbroken to get annoyed with this balance between individual and social identities until the activity of the style to the individual, can that of the single authentic itself, and in the lives of young adults, formation of identity and individual expression.
One is perhaps more important results in implicit sweeping statement during their lifetime. Young people in their confrontation with the policy are primarily as either moderate Democrats, secular and mainstream Western societies held or presented as a radical and potentially violent. This is at best a gross simplification, but is unfortunately often much allegedly opinion. The reality is that young people is understanding of the relationship between their faith and their political commitments than highly varied as anyone. You need only look to the Internet a taste of diversity: view the thoroughly apolitical Western pop videos of the zweiten-and third generation of Europeans from the Indian subcontinent; Punk, metal, and experimental electronic music to express their uncompromising positions on Palestine to use European and North American youth, or those who find no contradiction between bra-burning is a radical feminist. Similar set of expressions you find in other s contexts such as MySpace and Facebook, or in fact Middle East blogger, which became central to the new media in the region. They can be thought of an acute and the cumulative mental effects of Government, media, and social exclusion and the resulting banishment on the psychology of young people in the diaspora.
Muhammad Umer Mumtaz
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
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